stored in: Tim Rowan's Home Care Technology Report and tagged: Affordable Care Act (ACA) and home health industry, Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Medicaid spending, CLASS Ac and payment for healthcare services, Employer Mandate and home health industry, face-to-face (F2F) encounter documentation, home health visit documentation-- current technologies, IMPACT Act and effect on home health industry, Medicare Advantage plans and sequestration issues, physicians and F2F narrative, William Dombi
by Liz Seegert NAHC’s Vice President for Law sat down exclusively with reporter Liz Seegert last month during the association’s annual meeting in Phoenix for a wide-ranging interview on policy, programs, and the future of home healthcare. In this second of three parts, he discusses some of NAHC’s recent lobbying efforts. [Discussion touches on face-to-face […]
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stored in: Tim Rowan's Home Care Technology Report and tagged: CMS and physicians' F2F narrative requirement, F2F denials, F2F narrative in home care as criteria for patient eligibility to receive home care, home health industry and needed leadership role, home healthcare and face-to-face F2F needs. face-to-face (F2F) requirement, physicians and F2F narrative
by Liz Seegert As we previously reported, CMS blinked first in the face of NAHC attorney Bill Dombi’s lawsuit over the Face-to-Face documentation rule. The agency’s response, proposing to eliminate the physician’s narrative portion from the F2F document, seems like the relief home care providers have been hoping for, on the surface. However, several readers […]
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