by Lenny Verkhoglaz, MBA As the CEO of a home care franchise, I see firsthand how new technologies are helping us provide a stronger caregiving experience for both the person in need of care and the loved ones surrounding them. Media is shaping how we train caregivers and how those in need of care experience […]
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stored in: Tim Rowan's Home Care Technology Report and tagged: Druker Center, elder care at home, eldercare and community services, elders at home and telemonitoring, family caregivers and tools for eldercare, home healthcare agencies and eldercare, linkAges program and eldercare at home, Peter Tang, reimbursement and eldercare services, seniors and communications networks, seniors and safety at home, seniors living at home
by Liz Seegert Paul Tang, M.D., may have one of the coolest jobs in health care. As vice president, chief innovation and technology officer at the Druker Center for Health Systems Innovation at the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, he is the driving force behind the growing success of linkAges, a new, community-based, multi-generational network designed […]
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