A study conducted by the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine determined that regular telephone conversations with a nurse can substantially reduce hospital re-admissions for high-risk patients. Patients in the program were one-third less likely to be readmitted than similar patients who were not in the program. Overall health care costs decreased by approximately $1,225 […]
A cost-saving measure growing in popularity in hospitals across the country is causing increased readmissions and decreased patient satisfaction. Most home care agencies have experienced the communications and cooperation disconnect caused by hospitalist physicians. Now, two new studies confirm their experience. Published in the August 5 issue of the Journal of Hospital Medicine (JHM), […]
Some see them as partners, some as payers, some as reluctant, recalcitrant payers. A recent survey of Managed Care Organizations, however, reveals that many of them also believe in multi-pronged approaches as patients leave the hospital, including nursing, social services and home-health visits, often offering some of these services on their own.Many of the MAOs […]